‘pick up the pearl’ free download now!

pick up the pearl is a collection of martial arts poems. It observes on a broad range of martial art applications and exponents, including karate, boxing, street fighting, kung fu, aikido, judo, ba gua quan (pa kua chan), wrestling, qi gong and more. Pat, the author, is a long term tai chi enthusiast. Noticing that …

the transnational story hub: between self and other

The University of Barcelona’s Centre for Australian Studies has just published The Transnational Story Hub: Between Self and Other (edited by Merlinda Bobis and Belen Martin-Lucas) a multi-stage project that ran from 2010 to 2015 between teams from the University of Vigo and the University of Wollongong, and of which I was so fortunate to …

ah, yes, the cave clan

Today I read an article in the SMH about the hidden and often forgotten places under the streets of Sydney and it brought back memories of the original source of inspiration for my first novel, The Drain Brains. I have written elsewhere that I still have some original copies of the Cave Clan newsletters from …