Category «Poetry / Verse»

bagua quan (pa kua): some comments

I just listened to a podcast (Heretics Woven Energy) on the Chinese martial art of bagua quan (pa kua) and feel the people on that podcast had some misunderstandings about this art and, as a result, I feel compelled to put this information on the public record.  One of the speakers commented that pa kua …

canaries in the sunshine: progress report

I’ve been tapping away each day on my latest project, a collection of poems focused on inventors of energy machines and some questions about science that this field raises. The working title is Canaries in the Sunshine (A Celebration of the Coming Century of Radiant Energy). I set myself the goal of chronicling a few …

found poems a

I am endlessly fascinated by the genre of found poems. I first learned about them while studying my masters in creative arts at university and have since then developed an eye for the found poem, a series of prose words I pluck from a text and render as a poem. They are fun to discover …

‘pick up the pearl’ free download now!

pick up the pearl is a collection of martial arts poems. It observes on a broad range of martial art applications and exponents, including karate, boxing, street fighting, kung fu, aikido, judo, ba gua quan (pa kua chan), wrestling, qi gong and more. Pat, the author, is a long term tai chi enthusiast. Noticing that …