campbelltown – home town of jarryd hayne – some background

Jarryd Hayne made a good start to his NFL career with the San Franscisco 49ers so far. I’m happy for him because he has such a special story to tell. Growing up, he lived in a few suburbs of Campbelltown NSW Australia*,  a place which for me is a great place to grow up because it’s steeped in such powerful  contrast and powerful asking. I know how strong and adjusted Jarryd is because of his upbringing in this town.

And it made me think that if any of our football friends, either in the US or Australia, want to know more about this guy’s background, then you may wish to read  Mostly Friday Nights, a story cycle in verse of life for a teenager growing up in Campbelltown in the seventies, a little before Jarryd’s time, but there are some things in that environment that never change. This is grass roots literature, local literature at its best.

* Airds & Minto

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