bagua quan (pa kua): some comments

I just listened to a podcast (Heretics Woven Energy) on the Chinese martial art of bagua quan (pa kua) and feel the people on that podcast had some misunderstandings about this art and, as a result, I feel compelled to put this information on the public record.  One of the speakers commented that pa kua …

precious recipes for writers

Nutrition is an important ingredient in any writer’s toolkit. When asked why people today appear unable to develop and act according to all they learn and seem to know, philosopher, Rudolph Steiner, replied: this is a problem of nutrition. We all need the proper proteins, fats, minerals, sugars plus all the rest for our brain …

fomalhaut publishing, an update

As an aspiring writer, I took to the self-publishing path in 2008 to expand my readership circle to at least my family, friends and work colleagues. I’d compiled two dozen travel newsletters into a book Tales of The Bear, The Dragon and Other Wondrous Creatures, an account of my extended travels to mostly Russia, China …