covid19 and ru4ut?

National news this week has prompted me to upload this blog as a service to the community. As usual, it also offers some insight into my previous writing/publishing efforts related to the subject. I refer to a beneficial health practice sometimes called the Waters of Life, and also know as Urine Therapy (UT), ie the daily consumption of a small amount of our own fresh urine each morning (100-200 ml).

I first learned about this practice from a naturopath friend in Sydney in the 1990s. The practice also gained some high profile after the first world conference on the subject was held in the Indian city of Goa in 1996. Author, Harald W Tietze, from the South Coast of NSW, attended the conference and went on to write a book about it (Urine the Holy Water). I soon discovered there was an extraordinary amount of historical evidence supporting UT as an easily accessible health strategy against a wide range of disease and bodily infections. There are documented results from medical research facilities in numerous countries.

In 2007 I self published a 64 page booklet on the subject under the pseudonym Anna Waters. I called the work RU4UT? The reason for the pseudonym was that Anna was the main character in one of my earliest novels The Shades Of Paracelsus. In the story, Anna becomes obsessed with Paracelsus, a philosopher and healer in Europe during the sixteenth century. Like Paracelsus himself, Anna developed a keen interest in UT. For my own entertainment, I worked the book into her story even publishing it under her name on the self publishing website Obviously, I had a fondness for meta-fiction long before I even knew what the word meant. The irony of this secret little venture was that more copies of RU4UT? sold on the website than the novel itself. It has been hanging there to this day. I still believe science one day will validate UT.

At the end of RU4UT?, I included an article from the 22-8-1990 Singapore edition of The New Life Post. It was called Drinking your Own Morning Urine Can Cure the Eighteen Kinds of Illnesses. My wife helped me translate the article from Chinese into English. In the article, extensive reference is made to UT research being conducted in Japanese universities. In this book, there is also a copy of a famous ancient Indian treatise on UT called Shivambu Kalph Vidhi.

While traditional Indian culture in the past had a tradition of drinking urine for the nutritional benefits, a sort of recycling of nutrients good for the body, these days it is done mostly for its immunological value. Except perhaps in cases of survival. Viruses, in particular, when recycled back into our system undergo an attenuation process, become weaker and weaker as the body develops the appropriate immunological response to them. Our own morning urine may become the perfect tailor made antidote to whatever particular viral infections may be present in our body.

Even though mainstream media gives little space to it, UT is more widely known than you may think. In 1944, British naturopath J A Armstrong wrote a classic called The Water of Life: A Treatise on Urine Therapy. During his career, Armstrong kept meticulous records of his case studies and his successful treatment of numerous patients with UT. He even cited a quote from the bible as the original source of his interest in the subject: ‘Drink waters out of thine own cistern, and running waters out of thine own well (Proverbs 5:15)’.

I have a business friend who, as a hobby, researches the eradication of the mosquito and perhaps even a cure for malaria. He previously worked in the pest control business and knows well the huge number of people killed by the lowly mosquito throughout human history. Bill and Merlinda Gates are literally spending billions on this same problem. I put my UT case to this friend, but I guess he, like Bill and Merlinda, wants a higher tech solution for this parasite. But I still wonder whether the answer is simpler than we think. And cheaper.

I am aware that beliefs, attitudes and expectations play a part in whatever medical method we choose. There is a whole field of pyschoneuroimmunology which studies the way mind and body are in constant conversation. If a person is in a state of resistance, whatever the form of treatment, then the likely results will reflect that resistance. Some people will see the benefits of simple, cheap and natural medicine while it will not appeal to others. This is the nature of our pluralistic society. But I do believe the information should be out there so people can at least know their options. I am driven to offer one more compelling account of UT. This is by Martha Christie who suffered a whole range of serious health problems which doctors struggled to offer any cure for. She researched UT and practised it such that her health improved enormously. She went on to write another book on the subject: Your Own Perfect Medicine.

RU4UT? Is available here.

The Shades of Paracelsus is available here in ebook format. Sample chapters are available.

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